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Book: I Fell In love With A Blind Man PDF Download

Type: Romantic

  • Name: I Fell In love With A Blind Man PDF Download
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic
  • Format: PDF
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Page:308
  • Price: Free

"I Fell In love With A Blind Man" is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds.  This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn't always work out the way we want it to, but if we're willing, we can still make it a great life. It is a good compelling story, engaging, and easy to read. This is the perfect holiday novel, you can pick it up and get straight back into the story. The novel "I Fell In love With A Blind Man" is an enjoyable story that moves along at a good pace.

The content of the book is spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, various mistakes in word usage in writing, appropriate word choice, simplicity and beauty of sentences, editing writing, advice on writing etc. Discussion in a chatty mood. The author's manner of speaking is quite eloquent which has made such a dull discussion juicy and interesting. The author is talking about – you have to give time behind writing.

I like the words he said in one place to explain it. " The princess of words does not come at the first call. So the director sends it first. And the princess smiles contemptuously from afar! If it is Krishna, don't forget the trick of the director. Shahzadi then sends his companion. But if you are a prince, then you will not forget in the deception of Seob, but will be immersed in sadhana, then the princess herself will appear and say with a sweet smile, I have come, O prince of pen!

He also discussed spelling mistakes in a fun way. Such as – " Another wrote – never borrow. Borrowing is not good.
What do I say! Even if you ask for a loan, no one will give you a loan. The book is mainly aimed at Madrasa students. And he has directly condemned those who have contempt for the Bengali language. Due to the religious approach, some things have been said from the angle of the madrasa. In this case, I thought it would be better if the writer was a little disinterested.

Here are some excerpts from the book:

1) Many people ask me, how to learn to write? Which way to become a writer? I sometimes tell them about the rules and grammar of language, sometimes about the variety of words and the beauty of sentences; Ever talk of literary rhetoric and rhyme-sweetness of poetry! I say many things, but do not reveal the real secret and do not open the 'closed door' of the heart. Because all around me though a lot of noise and overflowing curiosity;

Although there is no shortage of enthusiasm for paper and pen and writing in everyone's hands, but let me express my heart, I will say, I have waited, waited and prayed to the 'sky', but I have not yet found an open chest and a blossoming heart.

2) If there is no cloud, there is no rain, if there is no garden, there is no spring, and if there is no blossoming heart, the secret is not revealed from the heart. The feeling of the heart enters the heart only and the supplication of the heart touches the heart only when the heart merges with the heart. But that good fortune has not yet come in my life.

3) You want to be a devotee of literature! Want to enter the eternal world of literature! Then open the door, the closed door of the heart. Conquer the realm of words and enter the path of the heart into the world of thoughts. Because in the realm of words you will find only the material of writing, and in the world of ideas you will find literature. Abandon the narrowness of thought and attain the generosity of heart.

Because only in a generous heart does the mind appear, not in a narrow heart. Forgive those who hurt you; Express gratitude to those who shed tears from your eyes. Accept the blow with a smile and accept the thrown stone as a flower. Then the tears of your eyes will flow like the ink of a pen; The 'teardrop' of your pen will rain down like pearls.
Let there be no envy or hatred in your thoughts; May there be love in your heart for all, that love will be above all worldly desires; The love that only gives and is satisfied with the joy of giving, never seeks recompense;

That love just gives away, doesn't pick up anything; Picking up does not come down from the height to the bottom.
May you give the enemy a forgiving smile; May you rise above all smallness and narrowness. Then you will get an intimacy from nature. The grace of the 'Absolute Being' will rain down on you.

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